
Fennel Oil

Fennel essential oil is best known as a powerful ingredient for good digestive health. Like its root plant, it has a licorice-like flavor and an aroma that’s developed from crushing the seeds of the fennel plant and going through a process of steam distillation.



Fennel essential oil is best known as a powerful ingredient for good digestive health. Like its root plant, it has a licorice-like flavor and an aroma that’s developed from crushing the seeds of the fennel plant and going through a process of steam distillation. Even if you’re not a fan of that licorice taste, don’t write it off too soon. It provides phenomenal digestive support and can help you to find balance in your diet.

Fennel Oil Uses and Benefits

One of the most common uses for fennel seeds, fennel flavoring, and Fennel essential oil is in the kitchen. Due to the potent, flavorful nature of Fennel oil, it can add a savory, strong flavor to a variety of unique dishes. If you want to harness the flavor of Fennel in your cooking, consider adding a toothpick’s amount to homemade sausage or soup for an authentic anise flavor.

Did you know that Fennel essential oil can be taken orally to help with digestion?* To experience these Fennel essential oil benefits, simply add a drop or two to water. You can also add 1–2 drops in a doTERRA Veggie Capsule. You can also combine Fennel oil with Fractionated Coconut oil for a soothing abdominal massage after a big meal, or on the day of a stressful event.

The naturally sweet flavor of Fennel essential oil can be useful when trying to avoid processed sugar and sweets. The chemical makeup of Fennel includes Trans anethole, a monoterpene that is 13 times sweeter than table sugar. To utilize these benefits of Fennel oil, take a drop of Fennel in water or green juice to help fight sweet tooth cravings.*